

“That we may present every one complete in Christ”
Colossians 1:28

CUPbearers holds that the transformation of the natural and /or fleshly person into a mature spiritual Christian is a supernatural process. This transformation cannot be accomplished through education and self-effort alone, or by trying to improve the old nature through some system or discipline. It is achieved through the ministry and work of God’s indwelling Holy Spirit in agreement with the Word of God and the active and willing cooperation of the individual, conforming each one to the very image of Jesus Christ (Jn. 15:5).

Statement of Faith

“Faithful is he who calls you, and he will also bring it to pass.”
1 Thessalonians 5:24

Our Policies


All of the materials offered on this website are copyrighted. They are offered here to encourage the spiritual growth of the inquirer. These materials may be used and shared freely with others for their spiritual encouragement. However, written permission must be obtained from CUPbearers/Gracestoration for the publication and/or distribution for profit of any of these materials used in part or in whole.

Personal Discipling

CUPbearers and Gracestoration are Christian discipling ministries that are available without charge or financial obligation to those who we disciple. We look to the Lord Jesus Christ to supply the financial needs of these ministries through the gifts of concerned individuals. Those served may freely choose to give unsolicited donations to these ministries. All gifts are graciously and thankfully received. An official receipt will be issued for all tax-deductible donations at the end of each calendar year upon request. CUPbearers, Inc. is a recognized charitable 501c(3) organization by the US Internal Revenue Service. The CUPbearers’ Board of Directors determines the use of all donations.

Orders and Payments

Materials may be ordered via e-mail or by telephoning (303) 761-5005. An invoice will be sent with the materials including their cost and postage for mailing. Payment may be made by check or money order upon receipt of the materials and we also accept credit card and debit card payments. For international shipments please call to make arrangements – prepayment will be appreciated.


Robert J. Bingham was born in Beloit, Wisconsin and was assured of his salvation at 17 years of age. Bob attended the University of Colorado, then volunteered for the US Army, serving two years and returning to the University of Colorado where he studied aeronautical engineering. He then received a B.A. in Applied Religion from Rockmont College in 1962 and was ordained that same year in the Evangelical Free Church of America.


Daily Devotional

Ephesians Devotional 5

The Apostle Paul states that your Christian life and mine is to be “to the praise of the glory of His grace, which He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved” (Eph 1:6). As you enjoy God’s grace, your life-style and attitude are to bring praise to the Lord Jesus Christ. You in your flesh [human nature] cannot live up to His expectation, but in Jesus Christ you do, “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace which He lavished on us” (vs 7-8). Let’s just praise the Lord.