The Founder of CUPbearers.
Robert J. Bingham was born in Beloit, Wisconsin and was assured of his salvation at 17 years of age. Bob attended the University of Colorado, then volunteered for the US Army, serving two years and returning to the University of Colorado where he studied aeronautical engineering. He then received a B.A. in Applied Religion from Rockmont College in 1962 and was ordained that same year in the Evangelical Free Church of America.
Bob’s first ministry experience was serving as an assistant for three years (1957-1960) to Paul Eiselstein, a missionary with The American Sunday School Union (now American Missionary Fellowship). He assisted in supervising and encouraging 64 Sunday Schools and affiliated churches and with various aspects of a related camp (ID-RA-HA-JE), including children’s and high school ministries.
In 1962 Bob and his wife Dorothy were appointed as missionaries with the Overseas Christian Servicemen’s Centers (now Cadence International), and served with them for 21 years, 17 of those years serving at three different military bases in the Philippines. Hospitality and discipleship training became the focus of those years with hundreds of lives being touched for eternity.
A change of ministry came in September of 1982 when he joined Scope Ministries (a biblical counseling ministry headquartered in Oklahoma City). This led to Bob’s present ministry, CUPbearers, a discipleship ministry centered on the Lord Jesus Christ located in Englewood, Colorado.
For more than 25 years Bob has pastored the Rocky Mountain Evangelical Free Church in Black Hawk, Colorado, in tandem with his disciplining ministry.
Bob has ministered in the Philippines (1962-1979, 1995, 1998) and a number of other countries in Asia and Europe with OCSC (1962-82), Panama (1996) and in Trinidad (1998). His additional ministry opportunities have been to Singapore, Thailand, and Hong Kong (2001), and Nepal (2001), China (2006).
Bob and Dorothy parented three (now grown) daughters and four granddaughters. His wife Dorothy went to be with the Lord in 1989. Bob was widowed for four years until the Lord brought together in marriage Dottie Connor, also a widow, in 1993. They minister together in their joint disciplining ministries: CUPbearers/Gracestoration. Together their blended families are composed of seven children and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren
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Bob's Memorial Service
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